TN Professionals

We have provided a complete list of all TN professions that qualify for a TN Visa under the USCMA (NAFTA). You can use this list to determine if the job you are looking for in the US or the job that you have been offered matches closely to the TN professions listed below.

General Professions

Accountant Details

Job Description: In general, an accountant helps investors, managers, tax authorities, and others with resource allocation. An accountant typically analyzes financial information for financial reports or maintains the record of an organization’s assets, liabilities, profit, loss, tax liability, or other financial activities.

Qualifications: To apply for this profession, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have one of the following:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Accounting or a closely related field
  • A C.P.A., C.A., C.G.A., or C.M.A.
Architect Details

Job Description: In general, an architect is a professional trained in planning, designing, and overseeing the construction of buildings and other structural properties with the main purpose of human use or occupancy.

Qualifications: To apply for this profession, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have one of the following:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Architecture or a closely related field
  • A state or provincial license
CSA Details

Job Description: In general, a computer systems analyst analyzes science, engineering, business, and other data processing problems to develop and implement solutions to complex applications problems, system administration issues, or network concerns. They also perform systems management and integration functions, improve existing computer systems, and review computer system capabilities, workflow, and schedule limitations. They may also analyze or recommend commercially available software

Qualifications: To apply for this profession, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and provide proof of one of the following qualifications:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in IT, Computer Systems, or a closely related field
  • A Post-secondary Diploma which refers to a credential issued by an accredited academic institution in Canada or the United States on completion of two (2) or more years of post-secondary education AND have three (3) years of related IT experience
  • A Post-secondary Certificate which refers to a certificate issued by the federal government of Mexico or a state government in Mexico, an academic institution recognized by the federal government or a state government, or an academic institution created by federal or state law on completion of two or more years of post-secondary education at an academic institution AND have three (3) years of related IT experience
Computer Engineer Details

Job Description: When the USCMA (NAFTA) was drafted, they did not contemplate the IT boom under the traditional Engineering professions. Adoptions to the USMCA (NAFTA) include the addition of TN Visa Computer Engineer and related IT Engineer professions. There are many professions in the IT field that qualify under the TN Visa Engineer profession.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Computer Engineer, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have one of the following:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Engineering or a closely related field
  • A state or provincial license
Disaster Relief Insurance Claims Adjuster Details

Job Description: In general, a disaster relief insurance claims adjuster possesses a combination of training and analytic skills on investigating, analyzing, and determining the extent of the insurance company’s liability when it comes to personal, property damage, or loss and casualty. An adjuster may need to interview numerous people such as agents, law enforcement officers, medical specialists, expert consultants, claimants, or witnesses to collect information and examine several documents.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Disaster Relief Insurance Claims Adjuster, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have one of the following:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree AND successful completion of training in the appropriate areas of insurance adjustment pertaining to disaster relief claims
  • Three (3) years of experience in claims adjustment and successful completion of training in the appropriate areas of insurance adjustment pertaining to disaster relief claims
Economist Details

Job Description: In general, an Economist analyzes the society’s distribution of resources such as labor, land, raw materials, and machinery to produce services and goods by conducting research, collecting data, and monitoring economic trends through surveys, sampling, and other methods. The economist develops forecasts on different issues related to the economy including inflation, energy costs, exchange and interest rates, taxes, business cycles, employment levels, and many others.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as an Economist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Economics or a closely related field.

Engineer Details

Job Description: The TN Visa Engineer profession can be complicated due to the various professions that can qualify under the TN Visa Engineer profession. When the USMCA (NAFTA) was drafted, they only contemplated the traditional Engineering professions: Chemical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Industrial Engineer, etc. Since the adoption of the USMCA (NAFTA), there are many new IT engineer professions and computer-related positions that also qualify under the TN Visa Engineer profession.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as an Engineer, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have one of the following:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Engineering or a closely related field
  • A state or provincial license in Engineering
Forester Details

Job Description: In general, a forester manages private and public forested lands for economic, recreational, and conservation purposes. There is broad a range of forest management activities that a Forester engages in, which includes ecological restoration, timber harvesting, and managing protected areas with the purpose of direct extraction of raw material, conservation, outdoor recreation, hunting, and aesthetics.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Forester, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have one of the following:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Forestry or a closely related field
  • A state or provincial license
Graphic Designer Details

Job Description: In general, a Graphic Designer is to assemble typography, images, or motion graphics to create a piece of graphic design for printed, published, or electronic media. Some of the creations of a graphic designer are packaging, logos, and displays that meet specific promotional and commercial requirements for use as advertising or brochures.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as Graphic Designer, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements AND provide proof of one of the following qualifications:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Graphic Design or a closely related field
  • A Post-secondary Diploma which refers to a credential issued by an accredited academic institution in Canada or the United States on completion of two (2) or more years of post-secondary education AND have three (3) years of related experience
  • A Post-secondary Certificate which refers to a certificate issued by the federal government of Mexico or a state government in Mexico, an academic institution recognized by the federal government or a state government, or an academic institution created by federal or state law on completion of two or more years of post-secondary education at an academic institution AND have three (3) years of related experience
Hotel Manager Details

Job Description: In general, a Hotel Manager has the responsibility of managing a hotel and its staff with commercial accountability for financial management, budgeting, organizing, planning, and directing all hotel services such as reception, reservations, concierge, housekeeping, and food and beverage operations. While a hotel manager takes a strategic overview and plans ahead to maximize profits, he/she also pays attention to details and sets standards for the staff to deliver the ideal services that meet the expectations of the guests.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Hotel Manager, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements AND provide proof of one of the following qualifications:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Hotel or Restaurant Managem
  • A Post-secondary Diploma which refers to a credential issued by an accredited academic institution in Canada or the United States on completion of two (2) or more years of post-secondary education AND have three (3) years of related experience
  • A Post-secondary Certificate which refers to a certificate issued by the federal government of Mexico or a state government in Mexico, an academic institution recognized by the federal government or a state government, or an academic institution created by federal or state law on completion of two or more years of post-secondary education at an academic institution AND have three (3) years of related experience
Industrial Designer Details

Job Description: In general, an Industrial Designer creates and develops concepts and specifications to optimize the value, ergonomics, appearance, and function of a product or system through models, drawings, and verbal descriptions, for the mutual benefit of both the manufacturer and user. An Industrial Designer often works with other departments of a development group such as marketing, management, engineering and manufacturing specialist departments, and executes all design solutions determined by the group.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as an Industrial Designer, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements AND provide proof of one of the following qualifications:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Industrial Design or a closely related field
  • A Post-secondary Diploma which refers to a credential issued by an accredited academic institution in Canada or the United States on completion of two (2) or more years of post-secondary education AND have three (3) years of related experience
  • A Post-secondary Certificate which refers to a certificate issued by the federal government of Mexico or a state government in Mexico, an academic institution recognized by the federal government or a state government, or an academic institution created by federal or state law on completion of two or more years of post-secondary education at an academic institution AND have three (3) years of related experience
Interior Designer Details

Job Description: In general, an Interior Designer is involved in the interior renovation or design of commercial, residential and industrial spaces, such as structural alterations, fixtures and fittings, furnishings, color schemes and lighting. An Interior Designer produces designs and feasibility studies, especially for commercial and leisure properties, and oversees the creation of the project from start to finish.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as an Interior Designer, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements AND provide proof of one of the following qualifications:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Interior Design or a closely related field
  • A Post-secondary Diploma which refers to a credential issued by an accredited academic institution in Canada or the United States on completion of two (2) or more years of post-secondary education AND have three (3) years of related experience
  • A Post-secondary Certificate which refers to a certificate issued by the federal government of Mexico or a state government in Mexico, an academic institution recognized by the federal government or a state government, or an academic institution created by federal or state law on completion of two or more years of post-secondary education at an academic institution AND have three (3) years of related experience
Land Surveyor Details

Job Description: In general, a Land Surveyor is involved whenever there are railways, roads, dams, reservoirs, bridges, retaining walls and buildings to be built. The surveyor measures and determines property boundaries with precision and provides data of every detailed aspect of land features for purposes of engineering, mapmaking, land evaluation, mining, construction, and such others.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Land Surveyor, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have one of the following:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field
  • A state, provincial, or federal license
Landscape Architect Details

Job Description: In general, a Landscape Architect plans designs, and manages land projects to provide innovative and aesthetically pleasing environments for highways, airports, parks, and other recreational facilities, hospitals, gardens, land subdivisions, schools, and commercial, industrial, and residential sites. The Landscape Architect ensures that the changes being made to the natural environment are appropriate and sustainable. The work of a Landscape Architect covers diverse projects for both rural and urban lands. He/She collaborates closely with the landscape contractors and other professionals involved in the projects such as planners, architects, environmentalists, and engineers.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Landscape Architect, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Lawyer Details

Job Description: In general, a Lawyer defends an entity or a person in different legal proceedings which may fall into a variety of different categories, wherein most belong to either civil litigation or criminal litigation. A Lawyer acts on behalf of another expresses the client’s opinion and protects the best interest of the client. This professional represents the client in mediations, business transactions, court hearings, and other legal arrangements or proceedings in which the law is discussed.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Lawyer, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have one of the following:

  • LL.B., J.D., LL.L., B.C.L., or Licenciatura Degree (five years)
  • Membership in a state or provincial bar
Librarian Details

Job Description: In general, a Librarian has been traditionally associated with taking charge of a collection of books in the library, such as public libraries, elementary or secondary school media centers, colleges and universities, corporations, museums, non-profit organizations, etc., and performs other services related to the library. Modern Librarians, however, may deal with a collection of information in various formats including magazines, books, video recordings, audio recordings, newspapers, manuscripts, photographs, maps, other graphic material, web searching, bibliographic databases, and digital sources.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Librarian, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have an M.L.S. or B.L.S. (for which another Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree is a prerequisite).

Management Consultant Details

One of the most scrutinized and problematic of all TN Visa categories is Management Consultant. When a person presents a TN Visa application as a Management Consultant, the NAFTA officer will take extra care to make certain that the applicant is truly a consultant. One of the main reasons behind the scrutiny given to TN Management Consultant applicants is that this profession has been widely misused. Many Canadians that do not fit into other TN Visa professions attempt to enter as TN Management Consultants because there is not a degree requirement. This leads to many frivolous and fraudulent applications.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Management Consultant, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have one of the following:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura degree in a closely related field
  • 5 Years of experience as a consultant
  • 5 years of experience in a specialty related to a consulting agreement
Mathematician Details

Job Description: In general, a Mathematician solves problems in various fields with the use of mathematical methods and is concerned with structure, quantity, change, and space. He/she conducts research in fundamental mathematics or mathematical technique applications to science, management, and other fields.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Mathematician, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Research Assistant Details

Job Description: In general, a Research Assistant typically assists in academic research and is not directly responsible for the results of the research, but takes orders from, and has responsibilities towards the principal researcher or immediate supervisor. The tasks of a Research Assistant include conducting searches, collecting data, copying articles, formulating a bibliography, ordering additional research material, and keeping records of the projects. A Research Assistant may also be tasked with conducting interviews, implementing experiments, administering surveys, and performing other tasks related to the research.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Research Assistant, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Scientific Technician / Technologist Details

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Scientific Technician / Technologist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and proof of your qualifications in the form of degrees, certificates, and/or experience in the field.

Special Qualifications: The applicant must also show a theoretical knowledge of, the ability to solve practical problems in, and the ability to apply principles to basic or applied research in one of the following disciplines:

  • Agricultural sciences
  • Astronomy
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Engineering
  • Forestry
  • Geology
  • Geophysics
  • Meteorology
  • Physics
    • You must show proof of these special qualifications of the profession at the time of the application, which generally include ALL of the following:

      • A degree, certificate, or years of experience in the field
      • You must work in direct support of a licensed or degreed professional in the field
      • The work must be intertwined with that of the licensed or degreed professional
Social Worker Details

Job Description: In general, a Social Worker helps people overcome their problems and make their lives better by finding the resources they need and setting up programs for the benefit of the people. Social workers might work with people who are sick, homeless, or having psychosocial problems. Some of their jobs can be finding a suitable place for a homeless person to live in, a career training program for the jobless, or a learning disability mentor for a child with difficulty in school.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Social Worker, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Statistician Details

Job Description: In general, a Statistician collects, analyzes, interprets, and presents data and quantitative information. He/she works in various sectors such as education, health, finance, government, transportation, business and commerce, and market research. A Statistician designs and manages surveys and experiments and looks for patterns to make a recommendation or decision. With the aid of software, strong analytical skills, and techniques, a Statistician interprets data and communicates results with clients.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Statistician, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Sylviculturist Details

Job Description: In general, Sylviculturists manage private and private forested lands for purposes of recreation, economic, and conservation. They look after the trees and aim to control forest regeneration, growth, quality, and composition. Sylviculturists are specially trained to identify pests and diseases of trees to keep them healthy and growing. They can be employed by the government, environmental organizations, or logging companies. With adequate understanding and skills of the role of light, crowding, and methods of harvesting and replanting, they are trusted for regenerating forests.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Sylviculturist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Technical Publications Writer Details

Job Description: In general, a Technical Publications Writer designs creates, and maintains technical documentation which includes user guides, online help, instruction manuals, design specifications, system manuals, white papers, and other documents. The Technical Writers are responsible for putting technical information into a language that can be easily understood. They primarily work in industries that are related to information technology, and they coordinate the development and distribution of technical content for many different users. Qualifications. To apply for a TN Visa as Technical Publications Writer, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements AND provide proof of one of the following qualifications:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field
  • A Post-secondary Diploma which refers to a credential issued by an accredited academic institution in Canada or the United States on completion of two (2) or more years of post-secondary education AND have three (3) years of related experience
  • A Post-secondary Certificate which refers to a certificate issued by the federal government of Mexico or a state government in Mexico, an academic institution recognized by the federal government or a state government, or an academic institution created by federal or state law on completion of two or more years of post-secondary education at an academic institution AND have three (3) years of related experience
Urban Planner / Geographer Details

Job Description: In general, an Urban planner figures out the most efficient way of using the land in cities and neighborhoods, and reports on the most suitable location for parks, houses, and stores. These planners offer solutions to urban problems such as traffic, air pollution increase, accessibility to public transportation, places to drive and park cars, and more. As many people move into a community, urban planners make new plans and communicate with community leaders for new roads or schools. They find out the number of people using the highways, streets, sewers, waters, libraries, schools, parks, and museums.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as an Urban Planner / Geographer, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Vocational Details

Job Description: In general, a Vocational Counselor provides career counseling to help individuals with their career decisions. Vocational Counselors typically study and evaluate their clients’ work history, education, interests, training, and personality traits. To help their clients come up with career decisions, they may conduct aptitude and achievement tests. A Vocational Counselor also works closely with individuals to develop their skills in job searching and helps clients locate and apply for jobs.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Vocational Counselor, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Medical Professions

Dentist Details

Job Description: In general, Dentists handle a variety of tasks such as diagnosing and treating disorders and diseases of teeth and mouth tissues. They also give advice to patients regarding dental care to avoid future issues. With the use of proper tools, Dentists remove tooth decays, fill cavities, examine dental x-rays, straighten teeth, repair fractured teeth, extract decayed teeth, replace missing dentures, and perform other dental repair services. Aside from dealing with teeth, dentists also perform corrective surgical procedures on gums and the supporting bones for treating gum diseases. They can also administer anesthetics and prescribe antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drugs and other medications.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Dentist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have one of the following:

  • A D.D.S., D.M.D., Doctor en Odontologia, or Doctor en Cirugia Dental
  • A state or provincial license
Dietitian Details

Job Description: In general, a Dietitian supervises the preparation and servicing of food, participates in researches on foods, develops modified diets, and educates people on proper nutritional habits. The dietitian aims to provide nutritional intervention to patients, communities, and groups by preparing, serving, and recommending tasty yet nutritious foods. The major part of the Dietician’s job is to make dietary modifications in order to address medical issues that involve dietary intake. Dietitians may also conduct research, provide counsel to individuals regarding their diet, and may supervise the activities of organizations that provide quantity food service.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Dietitian, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Medical Laboratory Technologist Details

Job Description: In general, a Medical Laboratory Technologist performs complex laboratory tests for the diagnosis, medication, and prevention of diseases. He/she investigates the structure, growth, development, and such other characteristics of fungi, algae, bacteria, and other microscopic microorganisms, and may train or supervise staff in a medical laboratory setting. The job of the Medical Laboratory Technologist falls under the broad career category of Microbiology, which is the study of the relationship between diseases and microorganisms and how antibiotics affect them.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Medical Laboratory Technologist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements, obtain a valid VisaScreen, AND have one of the following:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field
  • A Post-secondary Diploma in a closely related field AND three (3) years of related experience
  • A Post-secondary Certificate in a closely related field AND three (3) years of related experience
Nutritionist Details

Job Description: In general, a Nutritionist provides advice on matters of the impacts of food and nutrition on health and is known for his/her healthy regard for foods and their life-sustaining properties. The primary concern of the Nutritionist is the prevention and treatment of diseases by observing proper dietary care. After evaluating the diets of clients and patients who suffer from medical issues, Nutritionists typically recommend changes to the patients’ intake of particular types of foods to fight different ailments. Nutritionists may also supervise large-scale meal planning and meal preparation for organizations, communities, or schools.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Nutritionist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Occupational Therapist Details

Job Description: In general, an Occupational Therapist rehabilitates individuals with physical, mental, emotional, and developmental issues to recover or develop their ability so they can be productive and live independent lives. Occupational Therapists deal with different patients who want to overcome different health issues such as individuals who had a stroke, with attention deficit disorder, and such other cases. Their responsibility is to help people compensate for the loss of functions due to diseases, drug abuse, alcoholism, accidents, reasoning incapacity, mental disorder, eating disorders, injuries and pain.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as an Occupational Therapist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have one of the following:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field
  • A state or provincial license
Pharmacist Details

Job Description: In general, a Pharmacist dispenses drugs or medicines that doctors and health practitioners prescribe and possesses the medical knowledge necessary to inform patients about the dosages, benefits, hazards, and any side effects of the dispensed drugs. Pharmacists usually keep computerized records of patients’ medical profiles and drug usage to ensure that they won’t combine drugs that adversely interact with one another, and that the doctor’s dosage instructions must be followed for safety.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Pharmacist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have one of the following:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field
  • A state or provincial license
Physical Therapist / Physiotherapist Details

Job Description: In general, Physical Therapists examine, diagnose and treat people of all ages who have medical problems caused by diseases or injuries that limit their capability to function normally. They develop a rehabilitative plan for each patient with the use of curative techniques that promote the patient’s ability to reduce pain, move comfortably, prevent permanent disability, and restore functions.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Physical Therapist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have one of the following:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field
  • A state or provincial license
Physician (Teaching Position ONLY) Details

Job Description: In general, a Physician seeking temporary entry to the US on a TN Visa may not directly engage inpatient care, although it is permissible when the activity is necessary for teaching or research.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Physician, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have one of the following:

  • M.D. or Doctor en Medicina
  • A state or provincial license
Psychologist Details

Job Description: In general, a Psychologist studies human behavior and mental processes through observing, recording, and interpreting how individuals relate to each other and to their environment. With the use of scientific methods, procedures, and principles to test the ideas of individuals, Psychologists look for patterns to help them in understanding and predicting behavior. The research studies conducted by Psychologists played a big part in understanding between individuals, organizations, groups, institutions, cultures, and nations.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Psychologist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have one of the following:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field
  • A state or provincial license
Recreational Therapist Details

Job Description: In general, a Recreational Therapist provides treatment services and designs recreational activities for ill or disabled persons with the use of various movement techniques such as games, sports, arts and crafts, dance, music, drama, and community outings. The primary goal of a Recreational Therapist is to improve or maintain the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of clients. Therapists also help people reduce their stress, anxiety, and depression, recover basic reasoning abilities and basic motor functions and eliminate the effects of people’s disability or illness so they can socialize effectively.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Recreational Therapist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Registered Nurse Details

Job Description: In general, a Nurse (RN) assists physicians in treating and educating patients and the public about different medical conditions.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Registered Nurse, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements, obtain a valid VisaScreen, AND have one of the following:

  • A Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Nursing or a closely related field
  • A state or provincial license
Veterinarian Details

Job Description: In general, a Veterinarian, simply known as Vet, examines, conducts diagnostic tests such as CT scans, x-rays, urinalysis, and blood tests, administers medication, and performs surgery to treat diseases, injuries, or disorders of animals. Since animals are not capable of vocalizing symptoms, a Veterinarian relies on the clinical signs exhibited by animals for administering treatment which is similar to pediatric medicine.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Veterinarian, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have one of the following:

  • A D.V.M., D.M.V., or Doctor en Veterinaria
  • A state or provincial license

Science Professions

Agriculturist / Agronomist Details

Job Description: In general, an Agriculturist plays a very important role in maintaining the food supply of the country by ensuring food safety and agricultural productivity. Agriculturists study farm animals and crops and they develop methods to improve both their quality and quantity including crop yield, pest and weed control and conservation of soil and water. They also try to find ways to convert raw agricultural commodities into healthy food products for the consumers.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as an Agriculturist / Agronomist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Animal Breeder Details

Job Description: In general, an Animal Breeder possesses genetic knowledge and conformation for selecting breeding stock that produces superior offspring. Breeders are trusted for producing animals to be used for various purposes such as consumption, companionship, sports, and shows because they carefully propagate valuable traits when they plan for breeding such as high production of milk in dairy cows. They usually facilitate breeding by artificial insemination or live cover, administer medications or supplements, assist with birthing problems, feeding, maintaining enclosures or cages, and keeping detailed health records of animals.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as an Animal Breeder, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Animal Breeding or a closely related field.

Animal Scientist Details

Job Description: In general, an Animal Scientist conducts research in domestic farm animals’ genetics, reproduction, nutrition, and development for the purpose of formulating efficient methods to produce and process meat, eggs, poultry, and milk. For this reason, Animal Scientists consult with agricultural producers on how to provide safe and healthy housing for animals, improve disease and parasite control, reduce mortality rate, improve waste disposal, and increase animal product production.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as an Animal Scientist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Apiculturist Details

Job Description: In general, an Apiculturist studies culture and breeding of bees conduct experiments on bee diseases and their causes and controls, and studies the factors that affect yields of nectar, as well as the pollen on different plants visited by bees. Apiculturists also conduct research on different phases of pollination and care for bees for agricultural and commercial purposes. They develop ways to improve bee strains and use selective breeding through artificial insemination on bees for greater productivity.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as an Apiculturist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Astronomer Details

Job Description: In general, Astronomers apply the laws of mathematics and physics to study the nature of matter and the energy throughout the universe including the moon, sun, star, planets, and galaxies. They find solutions to problems in space flight, navigation, and satellite communications, and develop the techniques and instruments necessary for observing and collecting astronomical data. They primarily collect and analyze larger quantities of data from observatories and satellites. Some other potential job titles of Astronomers are Research Scientist, Lunar and Planetary Institute Director, National Radio Astronomy Observatory Director, Astrophysicist, Space Sciences Director, and Observatory Director.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as an Astronomer, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Biochemist / Biophysicist Details

Job Description: In general, Biochemists study chemical reactions in metabolism, reproduction, growth, and heredity, and they apply methods drawn from genetic engineering and biotechnology to help them in their research. They usually study the effects of drugs, foods, allergens, and other substances on living tissues. They may also develop a biochemical product, which is usually done by conducting research, experimenting, analysis, and synthesis. They identify the physical and chemical properties of substances which can be done by performing several different analyses.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Biochemist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Biochemistry or a closely related field.

Biologist Details

Job Description: In general, Biologists study organisms and their relationship to their environment by attempting to discover the underlying mechanisms that govern how they work. They are typically involved in applied research which aims to improve or develop medical, agricultural, or industrial processes. Depending on the industry that biologists are involved, whether in product development or applied research, they usually develop new drugs, medical diagnostic tests or treatments, increase crop yields or develop new biofuels.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Biologist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Biology or a closely related field.

Chemist Details

Job Description: In general, Chemists and materials scientists study substances at the atomic and molecular levels and analyze the ways in which the substances interact with one another. They use their knowledge to develop new and improved products and to test the quality of manufactured goods. Some chemists and materials scientists work in basic research. Others work in applied research. In basic research, chemists investigate the properties, composition, and structure of matter. They also experiment with combinations of elements and the ways in which they interact. In applied research, chemists investigate possible new products and ways to improve existing ones. Chemistry research has led to the discovery and development of new and improved drugs, plastics, fertilizers, flavors, batteries, and cleaners, as well as thousands of other products.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Chemist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Chemistry or a closely related field.

Dairy Scientist Details

Job Description: In general, Dairy Scientists study the farm animals’ genetic composition and heritability of traits with the use of principles of genetics. They usually recommend techniques to producers for enhancing their animal production efforts and develop more effective practices of animal housing, sanitation, feeding or disease, and parasite control. They also conduct research on breeding practices and animal selection for improved animal quantity and increased production efficiency.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Dairy Scientist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Entomologist Details

Job Description: In general, Entomologists, who fall under a broad range of professions of Zoologists, primarily focus on the study of insects. Since the population of insects is incredibly vast and diverse, entomologists often focus on a specific family or order of insects. Their careers, which range from agricultural entomology to forensic entomology, are varied. They conduct research on insect behavior, nutrition, morphology, and ecology or how insects interact with animals and humans, and how they affect plants. Some Entomologists study insect vectors of illnesses in humans or the impact of locusts on crops. They may also be involved in paleontology to learn about insect evolution, or use insects as tools for learning about particular crimes or incidents, such as in the profession of forensic entomologists.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Entomologist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Entomology or a closely related field.

Epidemiologist Details

Job Description: In general, Epidemiologists study the population’s health events, characteristics, and determinant patterns, and conduct public health research to identify risk factors of diseases and to aid in developing preventive medicine. Epidemiologists collect and analyze statistical data, interpret, and disseminate the results of their study. Most Epidemiologists work on outbreak investigation, surveillance of diseases, as well as screening, bio-monitoring, and comparison of the effects of administered treatments such as in clinical trials.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Epidemiologist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Epidemiology or a closely related field.

Geneticist Details

Job Description: In general, Geneticists study genetics, heredity, the science of genes, and variation of organisms. They perform experiments and analyze the collected data. Geneticists can be employed as lecturers or researchers. They can also be employed as Medical Doctors’ consultants to evaluate, diagnose and manage patients with congenital malformations or hereditary conditions, genetic risk calculation, or analyze mutations. They are also involved in more specific genetics courses such as transmission, molecular, quantitative, population, and ecological genetics.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Geneticist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Genetics or a closely related field.

Geologist Details

Job Description: In general, Geologists study the solid and liquid matter constituting the earth, and the history and processes shaping it. They focus their study more on applied science rather than theoretical science by using chemistry, biology, physics, biology, and other sciences. Some Geologists are more exposed to the outdoors than performing their activities in the lab. They are often engaged in mining companies’ exploration of oils, metals, and other resources on earth. They can also be involved in providing warnings for the general public about natural hazards and disasters by studying volcanic activities, earthquakes, weather storms, tsunamis, and the like.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Geologist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in Geology or a closely related field.

Geochemist Details

Job Description: Geochemists collect and analyze samples from land piles of abandoned mines, and perform studies for determining the components or geology of rocks and how the elements in rocks affect the waters. They also test waters that came in contact with minerals waste piles to determine their metal content and acidity. Their primary focus is on the distribution and amount of chemical elements in minerals and rocks. The work of the Geochemists serves as a guide for oil exploration, helps improve the quality of the water, and is used to develop plans for cleaning up toxic waste sites. Geochemists may work for oil and gas companies, research facilities, consultancies, or educational institutions.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Geochemist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Geophysicist Details

Job Description: Geophysicists study the physics of the earth and its environment, including the earth’s shape, gravitational and magnetic fields, composition and internal structure, dynamics, and their surface expressions in plate tectonics, rock formation, and generation of magmas in volcanoes with the use of geological applications. Geophysicists are divided into two great categories, the Global and Exploration Geophysicists. Global Physicists study earthquakes, physical oceanography, the main magnetic field, and the thermal state and meteorology of the earth. The Exploration Geophysicists apply physical principles to study and evaluate resources such as gas, oil, minerals, building stones, and water.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Geophysicist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Horticulturist Details

Job Description: Horticulturists are typically knowledgeable in plant cultivation, including the preparation of soil for planting seeds, cuttings, or tubers. They conduct research in the cultivation and propagation of plants, production of crops, genetic engineering well as plant breeding, genetic engineering, plant physiology, and plant biochemistry. They work to improve crop quality, nutritional values, yield, and resistance to diseases and insects. While Agriculturists are involved in large-scale crop cultivation, Horticulturists are involved in smaller-scale production, distribution, and selling of plants and food crops.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Horticulturist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Meteorologist Details

Job Description: Meteorologists typically study the causes of certain conditions of weather by analyzing the information they obtained from the upper atmosphere, sea, and land. They use computerized and mathematical models to make meteorological forecasts, whether short-range or long-range forecasts, regarding weather and climate patterns. One of the aspects which make use of meteorological forecasts is the Meteorological phenomenon, which refers to observable weather events that the science of meteorology is able to explain such as tropical storms, thunder snow, hurricane, and many others. Meteorologists are able to forecast these meteorological phenomena as these events are bound by variables existing in the atmosphere, such as air pressure, temperature, and water vapor.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Meteorologist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Pharmacologist Details

Job Description: Pharmacologists study drug action and the interactions occurring between living organisms and chemicals which affect normal or abnormal biochemical function. They study substances and consider them pharmaceuticals if the substances possess medicinal properties. Pharmacologists focus on drug properties and composition, toxicology, therapy, interactions, anti-pathogenic capabilities, and medical applications. Some Pharmacologists specialize in pharmacodynamics which involves the interactions of chemicals with bio-receptors, and some focus on pharmacokinetics which involves absorption, metabolism, distribution, and excretion of chemicals from biological systems. However, these two main areas of pharmacology are interrelated.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Pharmacologist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Physicist Details

Job Description: Physicists study different physical phenomena of the natural world from sub-atomic particles to the behavior of the universe as a whole to discover the laws of nature. They study the composition of matter and how things behave. Physicists also experiment with energy and how it changes from one state to another. Their work ranges from research into the most basic laws of nature, to the practical development of instruments and devices.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Physicist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Plant Breeder Details

Job Description: Plant Breeders conduct research in physiology, breeding, yield, production, and management of crops and other agricultural plants, shrubs, trees, and nursery stock. They also study the plants’ growth in soil and pest control, as well as the soil’s chemical, biological, physical, and mineralogical composition, as the soil plays a very important part in plant growth. Plant Breeders may map and classify soil, and investigate the effects of alternative methods on crop productivity.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Plant Breeder, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Poultry Scientist Details

Job Description: Poultry Scientists conduct research regarding genetics, reproduction, breeding, nutrition, feeding, development, and management of various classes of poultry products. They carefully examine the practices of selection and breeding for the purpose of increasing production efficiency and improving the quality of poultry products. Poultry Scientists study the nutritional requirements and develop improved practices in brooding, incubation, artificial insemination, rearing, housing as well as parasite control and prevention.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Poultry Scientist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Range Manager / Conservationist Details

Job Description: In general, a Range Manager/Conservationist applies ecological principles for using rangelands and range resources for various purposes, such as wildlife habitat, watersheds, grazing by livestock, aesthetics and recreation, and other associated uses. The work of this professional involves research in rangeland management practices to ensure sustained forage, wildlife, and livestock production.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Range Manager / Conservationist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Soil Scientist Details

Job Description: Soil scientists conduct research in breeding, physiology, production, yield, and management of crops and agricultural plants or trees, shrubs, and nursery stock, their growth in soils, and control of pests; or study the chemical, physical, biological, and mineralogical composition of soils as they relate to plant or crop growth. May classify and map soils and investigate effects of alternative practices on soil and crop productivity.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Soil Scientist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Zoologist / Wildlife Biologist Details

Job Description: Zoologists study the origins, behavior, diseases, genetics, and life processes of animals and wildlife. May specialize in wildlife research and management. May collect and analyze biological data to determine the environmental effects of present and potential use of land and water habitats.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Zoologist, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Teaching Professions

College Teacher Details

Job Description: College teachers pass their expertise and knowledge on to the next generation, help their students obtain imaginative and critical thinking, provide practical training, and shape the goals, lives, and careers of their students. College teachers are experts in their subject fields and utilize them for the good of society as a whole. They facilitate learning by teaching academic subjects which include seminars, lectures, tutorials, fieldwork, e-learning, and practical laboratory demonstrations.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a College Teacher, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

Seminary Teacher Details

Job Description: Seminary teachers typically hold advanced Doctorate or Master’s degrees in Theology, Divinity, Faith studies, or other religious-related fields. Some of them are also members of the clergy. Seminary Teachers prepare monks, nuns, pastors, ministers, priests, and other clergy for their careers in the clergy of Christian denominations. These teachers usually work at schools of theology or divinity in universities and colleges.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a Seminary Teacher, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

University Teacher Details

Job Description: University teachers are responsible for teaching college students and handling classroom management, although discipline problem is rare in the classroom where there are more mature and serious students. There are often hundreds of students in one lecture hall in large universities, the classes are longer especially in classes of chemistry, biology, anatomy, and physics. University teachers teach based on a daily lesson plan for sequential and systematic format of teaching.

Qualifications: To apply for a TN Visa as a University Teacher, the applicant must meet the general eligibility requirements and have a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree in a closely related field.

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